Seeds and Dead Things Alike installation
image 2 of qual.jpg
image 5 of qual.jpg
Words no longer heard (detail)
Words no longer heard (detail)


Kentucky coffeetree seed pods

Words no longer heard
Words no longer heard


Kentucky coffeetree seed pods

on containers, collections, and categories
on containers, collections, and categories


Kentucky coffeetree seeds and seed pods and seed pulp, paper, latex, plaster, glass, water, resin, beeswax, hair

Breaking our Skins (detail)
Breaking our Skins (detail)


Cotton mesh, Kentucky coffee tree seed pods

bag close up.jpg
Breaking our Skins (detail)
Breaking our Skins (detail)


Cotton mesh, Kentucky coffee tree seed pods

Breaking our Skins (detail)
Breaking our Skins (detail)


Cotton mesh, Kentucky coffee tree seed pods



Kentucky coffee tree seedling, last one after giving others to visitors

seeds and dea things alike booklet as image_Page_01.jpg
seeds and dea things alike booklet as image_Page_02.jpg
seeds and dea things alike booklet as image_Page_03.jpg
seeds and dea things alike booklet as image_Page_04.jpg
seeds and dea things alike booklet as image_Page_05.jpg
seeds and dea things alike booklet as image_Page_06.jpg
seeds and dea things alike booklet as image_Page_07.jpg
seeds and dea things alike booklet as image_Page_08.jpg
seeds and dea things alike booklet as image_Page_09.jpg
seeds and dea things alike booklet as image_Page_10.jpg
seeds and dea things alike booklet as image_Page_11.jpg
seeds and dea things alike booklet as image_Page_12.jpg
seeds and dea things alike booklet as image_Page_13.jpg
seeds and dea things alike booklet as image_Page_14.jpg
Seeds and Dead Things Alike installation
image 2 of qual.jpg
image 5 of qual.jpg
Words no longer heard (detail)
Words no longer heard
on containers, collections, and categories
Breaking our Skins (detail)
bag close up.jpg
Breaking our Skins (detail)
Breaking our Skins (detail)
seeds and dea things alike booklet as image_Page_01.jpg
seeds and dea things alike booklet as image_Page_02.jpg
seeds and dea things alike booklet as image_Page_03.jpg
seeds and dea things alike booklet as image_Page_04.jpg
seeds and dea things alike booklet as image_Page_05.jpg
seeds and dea things alike booklet as image_Page_06.jpg
seeds and dea things alike booklet as image_Page_07.jpg
seeds and dea things alike booklet as image_Page_08.jpg
seeds and dea things alike booklet as image_Page_09.jpg
seeds and dea things alike booklet as image_Page_10.jpg
seeds and dea things alike booklet as image_Page_11.jpg
seeds and dea things alike booklet as image_Page_12.jpg
seeds and dea things alike booklet as image_Page_13.jpg
seeds and dea things alike booklet as image_Page_14.jpg
Seeds and Dead Things Alike installation
Words no longer heard (detail)


Kentucky coffeetree seed pods

Words no longer heard


Kentucky coffeetree seed pods

on containers, collections, and categories


Kentucky coffeetree seeds and seed pods and seed pulp, paper, latex, plaster, glass, water, resin, beeswax, hair

Breaking our Skins (detail)


Cotton mesh, Kentucky coffee tree seed pods

Breaking our Skins (detail)


Cotton mesh, Kentucky coffee tree seed pods

Breaking our Skins (detail)


Cotton mesh, Kentucky coffee tree seed pods



Kentucky coffee tree seedling, last one after giving others to visitors

show thumbnails